iOS App Development Course Details

About Course

Designed for the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, iOS is a mobile operating system created by Apple Inc. It comes in second place to Android as the most widely used mobile operating system worldwide. Numerous smartphones, such as the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch, are powered by the iOS operating system. Multitasking, alerts, and a home screen with customized app icons are just a few of the features that make it simple to use and intuitive. Apple, AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile are all significant iOS vendors. The hardware, software, and services required to run the operating system are supplied by Apple, which is the main iOS vendor. Major carriers offering cellular service for iOS smartphones are AT&T, Verizon, and T-Mobile.

The iOS app shop boasts approximately 2.2 million apps that are accessible for download, making it the second largest app store market globally. Given that they create apps for a market estimated to be worth over 29 billion US dollars, iOS app developers are in high demand as a result of their popularity. Read on for more information about ZX Academy's outstanding iOS App Development Certification Online Training.

Course description

ZX Academy offers iOS certification and training programs that are intended to teach developers the principles of iOS development and enable them to produce apps for the Apple App Store. Topics include the Xcode development environment, UI/UX design, and the Swift programming language are covered in the classes. Developers can obtain a certification at the end of the course that will make them more marketable to employers.The foundational principles that comprise the framework of an iOS app, as well as significant design patterns and functionalities, are covered in ZX Academy's beginning course on iOS programming. The course covers the foundations of developing iOS apps using Swift.


This training's industry-based learning aids in the creation of safe programming patterns and contemporary features for iOS apps that are secure. Swift is a new programming language that you can learn to make creating iOS apps quicker and easier.

It is possible to acquire knowledge about designing and creating applications for the popular iPad and iPhone operating systems.

  • The comprehension of sophisticated and theoretical programming ideas can be enhanced.
  • Gaining a comprehensive understanding of the iOS development platform is facilitated by the learning style.
  • You can immediately get ready for the next job by learning about different iOS principles. All of these advantages are available at the most competitive prices.

What will you learn in training?

Following your completion of ZX Academy's iOS App Development course, you will be able to:

  • Recognize the fundamental ideas behind the recently released Swift programming language
  • Take advantage of the new closures and optionals in Swift.
  • To expand Swift's Out Of Box capabilities, create Extensions.
  • To improve the flexibility and power of our code, create generics.
  • Recognize the new initializer pattern in Swift.
  • Recognize the Core Data Framework and iCloud
  • Utilize Autolayouts to create applications that fit on a variety of screens.
  • Work on a real-world project while applying all the concepts you learned in class to gain business insights.

Who should take this training?

Professionals interested in learning how to develop iOS apps using Apple's brand-new programming language, Swift, should take this course. This training is open to the following professionals:

  • Software Developers and Architects
  • Mobile App Developers
  • Project Managers
  • Testing Professionals
  • Mainframe Professionals
  • Graduates aiming to build a career in iOS App Development

What are the prerequisites for taking training?

The following are the prerequisites for this course.

  • possess a rudimentary knowledge of Swift programming
  • Possess a fundamental knowledge of the Xcode programming environment.
  • Possess a fundamental comprehension of the iOS SDK.
  • Know the fundamentals of the Apple Human Interface Guidelines
  • Be familiar with the fundamentals of the iTunes Connect and App Store Connect services.
  • Be familiar with the fundamentals of the Apple Developer Program

Why should you go for training?

  • More work opportunities: An average iOS developer makes $107,000 a year, per a poll.
  • Enhanced abilities: The iOS Certification Training aids in the growth of abilities in app creation, debugging, and coding.
  • Salary increase: iOS developers receive 20% more in compensation on average than other developers.
  • Enhanced knowledge: Information on the newest technology and market trends is provided by the iOS Certification Training.
  • Increased self-assurance: Getting certified in iOS helps people become more confident to work on challenging tasks.
  • Improved career prospects: Getting certified as an iOS developer might lead to new job chances in the mobile app development industry.
  • Enhanced job security: With the growing need for iOS developers, iOS Certification Training contributes to employment security.

Salary Trends:

With three to four years of experience, the average Apple iOS Developer pay in India is ₹57.5 Lakhs. Apple India pays its iOS Developers between ₹20.0 and ₹90.0 lakhs. Compared to the average salary of an iOS developer in consumer electronics and appliance companies, it is estimated to be 854% more.

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iOS App Development Curriculum

Introduction to Swift
Introduction to XCode IDE
Structure of Swift program
Compiling and building a Hello world
Swift Playground
Basic Syntax
Variables and data types
Structs and Classes

Working with collections
Protocols and Extensions
Automatic Reference Counting

Installing XCode and iOS SDK
Understanding XCode
Creating a simple iOS app
Project templates
Introduction to pillars of iOS app development-Tools-XCode
iOS Simulator
Language- Swift
Design patterns
Using iOS Simulator
MVC pattern in iOS app development

Lifecycle of iOS Application
Understanding Delegation
iOS View Controllers
Creating UI
Introduction to Layout and Views
Designing responsive interfaces with Auto layout
Create a sample UI
Walkthrough of controllers
Debugging iOS application

Introduction to Table View
Creating a basic table view and data source
Loading data into TableView
Reusing table view cells
Customizing table views
UI CollectionView
UI RefreshControl
Introduction to multiple-view applications
Using navigation controller
Introduction to a master-detail application
Creating a tab-bar-driven application
UI PageViewController

Master-detail application
Using Size Classes for Adaptive Layout
Using Camera & Gallery to Capture Images

Animations- Core Animation
UIKit Dynamics
Facebook Pop Animation
Working with Maps- MKMapItem and MKPlacemark
UIActivityViewController to perform Social Sharing

Networking with Alamofire
SwiftyJSON & HanekeSwift
Introduction to networking in iOS application
Adding/Managing frameworks using Carthage
JSON Handling using SwiftJSON
Performing Networking using Alamofire
Downloading & Caching images using HanekeSwift

iOS data persistence Using NS User Defaults to store and read information Property Lists-Working with Core data Introduction to Core Data Creating models with entities Saving models Fetching model Edit and remove models Sample application implementing Core data

Implementing CloudKit Storage
Interact with Parse backend
Localizing Application
Submitting an App to Apple App Store

Like the curriculum?

Projects on iOS App Development

Course Projects

You will be working on a real project towards the end of the course, where you will be designing elegant and functional iOS applications with the Swift programming language.

Project 1: Sprite Game Kit

You will gain practical experience creating a Sprite Keep by creating a game in which a game ball appears at random and the archer's goal is to hit it with an arrow; the score is shown based on the number of hits.

Project 2: Survey app for restaurants

The person using your app will respond to the survey questions. After answering the questions, the user will provide a lot of data, which will be saved within the app. When the user is through, we should be able to see a list of all the development concepts we have learned during the course.

Project Resources

iOS App Development Certification

Indeed, after completing the iOS Developer training course successfully, ZX Academy issues an iOS Developer certificate.

The academy training course is specifically tailored to furnish proficient skills and knowledge in the creation of iOS mobile applications, utilizing the official programming language, Swift, and the IDE, Xcode. This guarantees that our students are proficient in the design, development, and optimization of iOS mobile applications.
To guarantee that our trainees have the necessary skills to efficiently design and develop native iOS applications using the newest mobile app development framework and official developer tools, our training places a strong emphasis on giving them as much exposure as possible.

Learners that earn certifications in App Development with Swift are acknowledged for their proficiency with Xcode, Swift, and app development tools. Prior to taking the certification exam, students must have completed a minimum of 150 hours of teaching.

The simplicity of learning Swift, the official programming language for iOS apps, is one of the main benefits of beginning an iOS development career. After Apple debuted it in 2014, most iOS developers quickly embraced it as a replacement for Objective-C, which had been the industry standard until then.

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Faq’s for iOS App Development

Yes, definitely, is an excellent career choice if you're wondering if being an iOS developer is for you. In order to keep up with the rapidly evolving tech landscape, there is an increasing need for iOS developers. In order to stay current, keep learning! Yet learning to write iOS code is a difficult endeavor.

Apart from the user-friendly nature of the tools, the iOS platform offers a range of services that facilitate the incorporation of advanced functionalities into apps by developers. Numerous application programming interfaces (APIs) on iOS let your apps access data and services.

Generally speaking, iOS is simpler to develop for, even for seasoned programmers. Android apps are more expensive to create and maintain than iOS apps, and they often need more development time. Java and/or Kotlin are usually used by Android developers, while Swift, Apple's native programming language, is used by iOS developers.

Today's mobile applications are highly useful, and the need for mobile developers is only growing. The iOS App Store functions more like a marketplace where you can offer the amazing apps you've created with iOS technology. Almost anybody is encouraged to give iOS coding a shot by Apple. The "iOS App Development using Swift" course offered by ZX Academy helps developers create efficient iOS apps.

The most recent, pertinent, and valuable real-world projects are available to you as part of the training program at ZX Academy. In this manner, you can put your newly gained knowledge to use in an actual industrial setting. Every program includes numerous assignments that rigorously assess your abilities, comprehension, and real-world knowledge, preparing you for the workforce.
In the fields of advanced technology, e-commerce, marketing, sales, networking, banking, insurance, and so on, you will be working on really interesting projects. Your abilities will be comparable to six months of demanding industry experience once the assignments are successfully completed.

Numerous well-known businesses utilize iOS devices.Furthermore, the need is growing every day.

Developing iOS apps for mobile devices can be challenging, particularly if you're creating a platform. It typically takes three to four months to completely construct, design, and prepare an entire app for public release, including all of the functional components. Time limits may be exceeded for more complicated apps because there is a lot of work to be done before the app is engineered, such as during the product definition or design phases, among other things. Sign up for the finest online course on app development with ZX Academy.

With this ZX Academy's iOS course, you'll gain practical expertise with the robust operating system that powers the Apple line of mobile devices. With this training course, you will gain a thorough understanding of the iOS architecture, as well as a complete comprehension of the app development process, Objective-C fundamentals, Core Data Services, iOS testing, and App Store app submission. You will receive the ZX Academy's Course Completion Certification after finishing the course satisfactorily.

● Apps for the iOS platform are being developed.
● Verify that applications are performing as expected and that they are responsive.
● You spend the evening with the group outlining new feature designs.
● Recognize bottlenecks, address them, and address bugs.
● support the upkeep of code excellence


iOS App Development rated (5.0 / 5) based on 3 reviews.

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Aria Sofia

I have done my iOS App Development Certification Training on Zx Academy. The Trainer was teaching very friendly and kind to us. best institution for learn online iOS App Development Training.


Zx Academy stands out as the premier iOS App Development Certification Training Center, offering one of the most captivating, valuable, and enjoyable courses I've ever experienced. The materials are exceptional, and the instruction is top-notch. I wholeheartedly endorse it as a highly recommended choice.

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