Node.js Course Details

ZX Academy’s Node.Js certification education allows you to study the models of software development. It can be used in any web development, which includes node.Js application server, databases, MVC frameworks the usage of Express.Js, database, and frontend frameworks.

By joining ZX Academy’s Node.Js certification course, you will study the principles along with Node Packet Manager, Express.Js with MongoDB, Express.Js, etc. Our teachers will educate you the way to set up a node.Js environment, expand complete-stack JS apps and web APIs. With us, you will also get guidance in getting your dream job.

Node.js is a JavaScript which allows you to do multiple tasks and develop exciting apps. It can be said as a cross-platform, open-source, and dynamics JS framework. This framework is built on Google Chrome JavaScript V8 engine. It is an open-source server framework with which you can run JavaScript on the server.  Node.js is used to do JavaScript code and scripts, which run server-side to develop dynamic web pages.

ZX Academy’s Node.js certification training provides comprehensive training on node.js. With our training, you will get introduced to web app development by JavaScript and node.js environment. This training also help you learn how to develop a production-ready Node.js JSON API.

Course Highlights

  1. Introduction to Node.js

In this section, you will explore Node.js and its capabilities. This includes how to setup Node.js, writing your first Node.js script, asynchronous and synchronous programming, and much more.

  1. Interactive Node with REPL

Here, you will understand Node.js REPL& its commands. Our instructors will teach you everything about local and global objects in Node.js.

  1. NPM and Modular Programming

Explore about the modular programming with NPM and node.js. Here, you will understand the power of modules and using npm for setting up and starting a project before knowing package.json, using npx, etc.

  1. File System and Streams

In this, you will understand about the all-important ‘fs’ module. This is because you will get to know how to work with directories and files.

  1. Events and Network I/O

In this section, learn how to use the events module for creating your own events and emit them. Moreover, learn the use of net module and how to use it in a node app.

  1. Debugging

Learn about the debugging and its significance in developing application. In this, you will learn how to debug a Nodejs application using an inspect flag.

  1. Express

In this section, you will explore Express and its importance in application development.

  1. Middleware

In this section, you will learn about middleware, parsing incoming requests, how to use the express-session middleware, signing in with morgan, and compression & your middleware.

  1. Routing

Explore modular routing with Express router, how to organize routes, basic protection of route with the help of middleware, and dynamic routing & route parameters.

  1. Integration of Database

Learn setting up a database on MongoDB Atlas and configuring it run with the Express app. Additionally, you will learn about how to setup Mongoose ODM, develop the users schema & model, Posts schema & model, and serve the web application of the client.

What will you learn in node.js certification training?

  • Introduction of node.js.
  • Filesystem and file operations.
  • Events and streams.
  • Asynchronous programming in JavaScript.
  • Routing, installation, etc. of ExpressJS.
  • Express and Mongoose for REST APIs.
  • Mocks, stubs, testing, testing frameworks, etc.

Who should take this Node.js Certification Training?

The node.js certification training is best for full stack web developers, application developers, & engineering managers. Moreover, it is good for students & aspirants who want to study web development, technical leads & project managers, QAs, and architects.

What are the prerequisites for taking ZX Academy’s Node.js Certification training?

No such prerequisites are needed to join our Node.js certification training. However, the training will become easy if you know JavaScript.

Why should you go for ZX Academy’s Node.js Certification training?

The training covers all the important topics and modules such as HTTP modules, filesystem, streams & events, ExpressJS, asynchronous programming, etc. In our training, you will have to test your practical aptitude on projects that are real industry-based. Once you complete the training, you will get the certificate issued by ZX Academy.

Salary Trends:

The average annual salary of Nodejs developer is ₹ 5.6 Lakhs in India and $122,500 per year in USA.

Are you excited about this?

Node.js Curriculum

• What is Node.js?
• Why Node.js?
• Installing NodeJS
• Node in-built packages (buffer, fs, http, os, path, util, url)
• Node.js Modules
• Import your own Package
• Node Package Manager (NPM)
• Local and Global Packages
• Push code to GitHub

• Get Input from Users
• Pass Multiple Arguments with Yargs
• File System Module
• Operations associated with File System Module
• JSON Data
• Http Server and Client
• Sending and receiving events with EventEmitters
• Express Framework
• Run a Web Server using Express Framework
• Routes
• Deploy application using PM2 and Nginx

• Call Stack
• Callbacks, Callback Queue and Event Loop
• Callback Abstraction
• Callback Chaining
• Promises
• Promise Chaining
• Request Package
• Customizing HTTP Requests
• Error handing with appropriate HTTP codes
• Introduction to template engine (EJS)

Introduction to NoSQL Databases and MongoDB
Installation of MongoDB on Windows
Installation of Database GUI Viewer
Inserting Documents
Querying, Updating and Deleting Documents
Connect MongoDB and Node.js Application
Exploring SendGrid
Sending emails through Node.js application using SendGrid

REST API in Express
MongoDB Driver API
Express Router
Mongoose API
GraphQL Playground

ES6 variables
Functions with ES6
Import and Export with ES6
Introduction to Babel
Rest API with ES6
Browsing HTTP Requests with Fetch
Processing Query String
Creating API using ES6
Building Dashboard API
Creating dashboard UI with EJS
ES6 Aside: Default Function Parameters
Data Validation and Sanitization

Types of Authentication
Session Vs Tokens
JSON Web Tokens

Web Sockets
Broadcasting Events
Sharing Your Location
Event Acknowledgements
Form and Button States
Rendering Messages
Working with Time and Timestamps for determining Location of Messages
Storing Users, Rendering User List, Tracking Users Joining and Leaving
Deploying the Chat Application
Redis - Building API with Redis

Writing Tests and Assertions
Testing Asynchronous Code
Testing an Express Application
Setup and Teardown
Testing with Authentication
Advanced Assertions
Mocking Libraries
Wrapping up User Tests
Setup Task Test Suite
Testing with Task Data

Why Microservices?
What is Microservices?
Why Docker?
What is Docker?
Terminologies in Docker
Child Processes
Types of child process

Like the curriculum?

Projects on Node.js

  1. Real-Time Chat

It demonstrates the transferring of real-time message from one source to other. The process starts with client sending HTTP requests to the server. Coding this becomes easy with the help of and web sockets. Here, you can use the real-time communication support feature of nodejs. The messages get updated without refreshing the page using routers.

Here, you can use mongoose which makes the creation and management of data in MongoDB easily. Moreover, the real-time chat app represents messenger.


  • Real-time data transfer
  • Video and voice chat
  • Delete, Undo, or archive a chat
  • Sign in/Sign out

Technology Stack:, Mongoose, jQuery, Express.js, and Moment

  1. Task Manager

This application manages the daily tasks and helps in making the workflow smooth. It also needs CRUD (create, read, update, delete) operation. In this, create a index.js file for running the application, routers to give proper routing to another paths, models for storing data in the database, a database which collects data, etc.

Node.exe is an executable file, which contains all the things that the software developers required to run Nodejs apps.


  • User authentication.
  • Task Tracker
  • Encrypted password of users
  • Calendar
  • File uploading button

Technology Stack:

NodeJs, Mongoose, SendGrid, and Express.js

Project Resources

Node.js Certification

Yes! We will provide the certificate after completing the Nodejs certification training. You can use this certificate to showcase your skills.

Yes. ZX Academy’s Nodejs Certification training gives you the flexibility to do the course as per your convenience.

Set your grip on Express and Node.js with a capstone project at the end of this course. Here, you will develop a full-blown API server, which uses a file-based database for serving multiple HTTP verbs and routers with less configuration. The end result will be a powerful and simple API server for developing Vue, React, and Angular apps.

We will send a registration link to your registered mail id. Open the link, set your password, and log on to our learning experience platform.

Get certification or Get ahead with Zx Academy’s Certification or

Faq’s for Node.js

Our instructors will help you learn how to develop complex apps without writing complex codes. Also, will help you develop network apps quickly using JavaScript.

The main focus of this course is to help developers to learn and develop web application using JavaScript. This training covers several key concepts of node.js. It also provides hands-on experience in developing an HTTP server with node.js, working with the stream, buffers, events, etc. The training also explains about Express.js, a flexible and powerful web app framework.

• Learn the node.js framework.
• Work with node projects and shrink-wrap to lock the module versions of node.
• Understand Express.js and asynchronous programming.
• How to develop HTTP server with Node.js by using HTTP APIs.
• Learn how to connect Express.js with SQLite and MongoDB.
• How to develop chat application with the help of

Download and install the Node.js software. Our instructors will explain you how to install the software in detail. Contact us if need more information.

ZX Academy offers 24/7 support. You can raise a ticket when you need any additional support. Our dedicated support team will assist you immediately. Still, if you have any doubt, we can arrange a one-on-one session with our team.

Our expert team provides guidance or assistance for job placement to all the learners who completed the node.js certification training successfully. Several top MNC’s are hiring certified Node.js developers on high salary package.

It is not necessary but going through the course material is good. Also, will be able to study the course quickly.

The payment confirmation screen will appear after payment. Also, will send a confirmation mail after the transaction is over.

For this, you need MongoDB and node.js. Every node.js app will be developed and debugged with the help of Visual Studio Code ODE. You will get the detailed installation guides from us. Also, if you have any doubts, feel free to reach our team.

Yes! We provide the node.js course material even after completing the training.

As of now, node.js is one of the most advanced technologies all over the world which provides many opportunities. ZX Academy’s Node.js certification training will prepare you for multiple jobs. It includes backend developer, full stack developer, MongoDB designer, and much more.


Node.js rated (5.0 / 5) based on 1 reviews.

Jayne joy

I loved my experience at Zx academy. They do a great job at training you and giving you the tools and support that you need to learn new skills. I really liked the institute's culture. I strongly recommend Zx Academy for those who want to become professionals in Node.Js certification as all the trainers

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